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Business financing

Up to $5 Million

Decisions in

Under 24 hours

Rates starting at

1.75%* / month

We understand small business

As leaders in small business growth funding, we understand that timing is everything. Unlike most banks, we’re focused on providing the most flexible financing options available, and fast!


Receive funding within 24 hours of approval


Custom tailored approvals specific to your business needs


Save thousands by finding the right program with the lowest rates for your business

Get tailored
financing options

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All you need to qualify

Just 3 steps to get this funding started!

Here at Tvuna, we aim to make the application process as straightforward as possible. This allows you to concentrate on your business demands, whether that’s covering payroll costs or stocking up on inventory during peak seasons.

01  Apply Online

Just a few quick questions and away we go

02  Get Approved

Just a few quick questions and away we go

03  Receive Your Funds

Just a few quick questions and away we go

Stepping into banks can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming, can’t it? So, I set off on a little Google adventure and guess what I found? Tvuna! They were shining right at the top, rated #1. I was seriously thrilled at the prospect of working with them… I have plans to use the funds to introduce lash extensions, bring onboard some more marketing whizzes, and really rev up those sales!

– Matthew Perry

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Let’s get your business moving!

Applying couldn’t be simpler, and it only takes two minutes.